Fashion ecommerce automation concept into 3D
Fashion e-commerce warehousing changed a lot last years.
Brands to fulfil customer needs require more and more automated solutions - to deliver orders fast.
Automated solutions mean engaging multiple parties in the process of solution creation, where each of them is responsibe for delivering part of the solution. 3D model gives possibility to merge this parts into one complete visualization.
We started fashion e-comm project exactly with such approach - take the information from integrator and 3PL to combine it into one complete 3D warehouse visualization.
In the perfect scenario, integrator is able to provide flat model of proposed automation solution, which cut the time of erecting it into 3D. But it was not the case. We received a general concept information, area constraint and integrator booklet with some pictures.
With that information we started to work on a first draft, showing our view and logic behind all the solution elements. First draft also gave us possibility to get deep insight into solution on quite early stage and ask questions very soon in the project timeline.
First draft creation was end of initial project phase and gave all parties to evaluate the main assumptions and our approach to the solution. With the next steps discussion, final shape of the 3D model was agreed.
At the last stage, with final model finished and accepted by sponsors. Parties decided, what views would like to have rendered and agreed on the movie delivery timeline.