Your client will love it, even if warehouse is simple

Recently we presented mainly highly automated complex projects. These are nice, but let’s be honest, most of the warehouses are still standard pallet rack based concepts. And you can think, that there is no point of making 3D visualization of such warehouse, but the truth is totally opposite!

Man walking through warehouse

For simple projects, you can’t do that much with high-tech solutions, automated storage methods, etc. Your competition will probably offer something very similar, so if you want to increase your chances for a win, you need to find differentiators that give you an advantage.

As an example it could be:

  • location

  • warehouse standard

  • BREEAM score

  • HR concept


  • relationship

Simple 3D warehouse layout overview view

Show your customer that you know your job and you care

Taking advantage by building relationship is exactly why you should visualize with 3D modeling even simple projects. It will stand you as a professional with a drive to deliver the best outcome to the customer straight from the first presentation. It will be also much easier to understand a concept, solution and your offer in general with realistic images. All these things will build more trust, that you are the right person.

3D warehouse layout racks view

Make the client own the warehouse

People love things made just for them - we all call it nowadays personalization :). Your customers are not different. You show them: Look, this is your warehouse, how it can’t be? There are your logos on pallets, on the racks. And you know? They will love it! They will feel they own it.

Rendered 3D warehouse top view

Building your advantage with 3D modeling, even in the case of simple solutions, is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase your chances of winning the project. It takes between 1-2 man-days to achieve the level of detail shown in the attached pictures. It will highly simplify the process of solution explanation, built your image as a client-oriented professional, and highly personalize your offer with proper usage of client branding.



Captivate Your customer with an animated 3D Warehouse Layout


3D Warehouse Video Tour - a perfect presentation opener